Thursday, October 11, 2012

And what of that dark hallow space in the center of your being…can you fill that with food?

Several months ago the movie preview for “Joyful Noise” caught my attention.  The previewed music sounded great and I was intrigued at the thought of Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah in a movie together. It appeared that it might be funny as well as have great music.  So I invited Peggy and Emilee and we went together that next weekend.

The movie had scarcely begun when the music started pulling me in. After about thirty minutes I suddenly was aware that I had not moved nor taken my eyes off the screen since it had begun. As I sat in a dead stare I realized I was smiling so big that my jaw was beginning to hurt. I felt enveloped, as though some magical power in this movie had captured me.

As I became aware of the nonsensical grin on my face, I was a little embarrassed. I was embarrassed that I had become so entranced so I quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed how bewitched I had become.

 I was aware that the music was warming, comforting and lifting my spirits, but could not understand why I felt so…so, well for lack of a better word, elated, almost drunk in love. I felt the music literally filling me up with the most exciting and wonderful warmth. I was overwhelmed and realized I had not felt like this in a very long time.   I was literally tingling from my head to my toes. It felt like the sun was shining inside me and I was aglow. “Holy Cow, is everyone feeling this”? I quickly looked around the theatre fully expecting everyone to be entranced in a smiling stupor with me. However, I could see that everyone, though seeming pleased, was NOT jumping up and down for joy, and clapping wildly for more, more, more!

 I was so excited about the movie I wanted to return and did, several times. I took my daughter Donna; I took my son Bobby and then returned again by myself. Although the movie was enjoyable for my family no one seemed to experience what I did. And though I enjoyed it the second, third and fourth time, I myself never again experienced the same euphoria as I had the first time.

I have thought about this experience several times since it happened and the only answer I have for it, other than it is an enjoyable movie… is that I was so thirsty for what this music had to offer that evening that my spirit could not drink it in fast enough.

I was like a dry sponge that had finally been given what it hungered and existed for, moisture…nourishment…light and joy. However these are mere adjectives and they don’t do justice to how enlightened I felt. But they are all I have to describe what happened to me. All I know is, when the music began, it felt as though it poured into my being. The music came in through my ears and it vibrated through every cell of my body, filling and nourishing my dry and parched soul.

I have since realized that music is one way I can nourish my spirit. Not only is it one way but an extremely important way for me. I can tell when it has been too long and look and long for ways to bring more music into my life. What a beautiful and wonderful gift music is. I wish I had a way to have it in my life everyday like I experienced that evening while watching Joyful Noise. If you have not seen the movie I encourage you to rent it and indulge. Although I cannot promise you that you will experience what I did the first time I saw it, I think if you like music, you will enjoy it.
I realized that evening how important music is to my life, my light and my spirit. Music is vital nourishment for my spirit and like many other wonderful things is a gift from God. Gifts he has given to inspire, uplift, nourish and replenish our souls. You may feel the same about music as I do, or you may have a strong connection to other gifts he has placed in your life. The important thing here is to realize what power these gifts have and how they can nourish and lift you. Keep them and other treasures and gifts close to you. Surround yourself with them.

Fill Your World with Color and Beauty

Fill your life and your world with the colors, textures, scents, sounds and objects that are beautiful to you, that have meaning to you. Remember that we are connected to our environment. The objects and the colors in our world have energy and meaning. They have an impact on us.

Objects have energy.  They have energy already in them when we obtain them and they have energy and meaning we attribute to them. Choose carefully the possessions you want around you…

Choose objects and colors that make your heart smile.

Journey to the Heart,   Melody Beattie

Spiritual nourishment for me…is many things.

Of course it is reading the scriptures and attending church. But in my life I have found that not only is there many other ways to nourish…but that they are vital to living a healthy and joyful life.

 I am sure that the gifts that God has placed here on earth for us to partake of, create with, and use for good, have to do with the fulfilling of our own divine missions in life.

You will be drawn to these things and will know them immediately. They are the good things in life that lift, refresh, inspire and comfort. “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. AND it is vital that you do.

Nature is another gift

 Or connection that uplifts inspires and nourishes our spirits. I am drawn to nature as many of you are I am sure.

One of the first spiritual experiences I ever had was in the great outdoors with nature.

 When I was about 10 years old my family lived in California. Although my Mom and Dad had not yet introduced me and my brothers to God or church we were introduced to nature and its beauty very early on. We spent many Sundays taking family trips and outings where we were allowed to experience nature.

On one of these trips my family went to the Redwood Forest in California. I have never forgotten the forest and it is on my bucket list to return there at least once more.  

I made a connection to nature that day unlike any I had ever felt. I don’t recall much about the trip. I don’t remember how long it took to get there, or if we took a picnic. I don’t recall anything anyone said to me or how long we stayed. But, I do recall the color and smell of these amazing trees. I remember the way the earth felt under my feet and the way the sun filtered through the tops of these enormous and beautiful trees. I do recall my amazement at the size and majesty of this creation. Somehow they seemed more alive to me than any other plant I had ever encountered. I had a spiritual awakening and I remember the feelings of connection I felt to those trees. I remember the awe I felt as a child as I walked through them.  The feeling of awe I had, and still have… every time I recall the trees or see a picture of them. As a young girl I did not know what this overwhelming feeling was that I experienced as I walked among these gigantic trees and felt their sacred power that day. But I do now. My spirit recognized this beautiful place as a place of beauty, majesty and sacredness. A place where my spirit was nourished and I felt a connection to God unlike I had ever felt before.

A Prayer about Nature and God's Creation

Loving Father and Creator of all we come to you today deeply grateful for your creation. As we look around us we are amazed at the greatness and majesty of all that you have made. Nature around us speaks of your greatness - the vast expanse of the sky, the mountains, trees, lakes and streams speak of your great design. You have given us such beauty in the colors of the rainbow, the beauty of flowers and fields. Words cannot adequately express the magnificence of all you have created. We join in praise with the writer of the psalms when he says, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth." May we show our love and reverence to you, our Lord, by caring for all that you have created. We humbly give you praise and thanks. Amen

I am realizing this blog could go on and on as I try to describe ways that I nourish my spirit…

I cannot list them all but if you will, I would like to add one more


The beauty of light inspires and uplifts me…

My mother passed away about 11 years ago. Of course I still miss her but the first few months were the worst.

She died in February and the days of winter had already become cold and short. I realized by the end of March that I was depressed and was having a hard time pulling myself out of it. I began to feel like darkness was closing in on me. As the hour of the day would approach 4 pm I would start to dread sundown. It made me feel cold and so alone. It finally became so bad I would go out at night in search of the moon so I could see the reflection of the sun there. I knew if the moon was shining then the sun was too…somewhere. And that became very important to me as I struggled to find happiness in life again. I finally felt the depression lift as spring came around, but I gained a great love and appreciation for the sun and its light that winter.
I am not one to keep the curtains closed during the day and when I wake up one of the first things I do is pull the curtains back and let the light of day filter into my home.

 I remember my daughter Cheryl lived with me while I was going through this and helped me during those long months of winter by encouraging me to fill the house with candles. Everywhere we could find a spot for a candle, we had one. I still love and look forward to candles and twinkling lights at the beginning of winter and through the holidays until spring or as long as I can get away with.

I love art that uses light as part of its artistic process and isn’t complete without it. Like stained glass. Although I have only had a little experience with stained glass, I am certainly a lover of this art and would like to learn more about it. There are lots of pieces of art that show reflections of light in amazing ways and I am always drawn to those pieces of art in a nurturing way... I look for ways to bring light into my home with art and in other creative ways.

 I love the analogy of Christ being the light of the world. I see light as an amazing gift that nourishes my spirit and lifts my heart to a happy place just as I see my savior. He is the light of my life.

As I end this blog I just want to recall the last blog I wrote several months ago. I wrote about the lack of spiritual nourishment I had experienced and how important it is to not let this happen. I have spent a lot of time pondering the wonderful gifts I have in my life that inspire me and uplift me. The gifts that nourish my spirit and help me live a happy life. I cannot close without mentioning the greatest gift of all.


Love really does lift me up to where I belong, just like the song says. Thank you God for the ability to love and be loved and especially for your love…and all the wonderful ways you fill my life with it.

That emptiness you feel…that hole in the pit of your soul…you know what I am talking about? You can’t fill that with food. You are in need of spiritual nourishment. It will be vital to your health in every way to find what nourishes your spirit and feed it.

Bon Appetit Butterflies!

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