Sunday, November 18, 2012

Are Mormons saved?

A question I have been asked many times throughout my life but never in quite the manner as I was this time. The question came after being told that because I had impressed this person, as being one who truly cares about others, I had been on his mind and in his prayers. I was very touched and humbled that one so well respected by his peers thought me worthy of his prayers. I thanked him for that and told him that that was truly touching to me. He continued to explain that he meant me no disrespect but was concerned for my understanding of just who Christ truly is and what it means to be saved.

As I looked into the eyes of he who asked the question, I saw sincerity there. I felt he was truly concerned for me and so I felt I should try and answer the question with the same passion, conviction and sincerity as it was asked.

“Yes, I am saved”, I answered. Then with a tearful, tender heart and all the sincerity I could muster, I looked into the eyes of this man and declared that I believe in Jesus Christ, that he is my savior and I love him.

However then, as I continued to look into his eyes, I saw that my answer was not enough. He had already judged me based on what he perceived my beliefs to be. He had already decided I was not saved before he even asked me or heard my answer. As I listened to him explain that it would be very unfortunate for someone of my kind and thoughtful ways, to be misled and therefore miss out on receiving my reward in heaven, I realized he did not think me a Christian.  

I mean to show no disrespect to this man…

I could clearly see from his countenance that his question for me was born from concern and love. He clearly believes in the savior, Jesus Christ, and feels he has a duty to share this knowledge with others. I respect that.

He then went on to explain that he had copied an article that would help me see the error of my understanding. He felt this article might have information about my faith that I may not be aware of. He again told me that he did not want to offend me and that he would understand if I did not want to read it.

Still…I saw sincerity and the light of compassion in his eyes and so I accepted the challenge to read it on the condition that once I had read…he and I would talk again. (Even though I have been a member of this church for fifty years and always avoided reading literature that criticizes my faith)


Let me leave just one more thought here…

“By their fruits ye shall know them.” This man’s spirit was bearing good fruit and I recognized it. I sincerely believe that his question was not asked in a manner to condemn me but he rather was attempting to enlighten me to the ways of his understanding pertaining to salvation.

His question, as well as, the article, has caused me serious reflection over the last couple of weeks. I have felt the gambit of emotions; fear, determination, sadness, unworthiness, weakness, confusion (I could go on and on) but finally…love and inspiration seem to have rested upon me as I prayerfully investigated the article and reflected again and again as to just who Christ is…to me and in my life.

I now want to attempt to answer the question one more time. And I say attempt because I am human.

If there be fault with my definition of whom Christ is and what it means to be saved, it will be because of my weakness as a human…an imperfect being, sometimes incapable of seeing beyond my own understandings and experiences in life. Not because the teachings or doctrine of the Mormon Church are lacking in any way, but because I lack the knowledge and skill to give them proper credit and justice with my words.  So, please forgive me if my words in any way disrespect the true and perfect nature of who Christ truly is. I do realize that I am imperfect and therefore perfectly capable of making mistakes.

Regarding the article…

At first I wanted to read the article and prove that it was wrong. However, since reflecting and praying over the last few days, I feel that if one has decided this article is proof enough, and is convinced that this couple who wrote it (who neither you nor I know from Adam, are telling the truth) it wouldn’t matter what I say in defense of my faith. It would simply become my word against theirs in the end.  

Human nature is of such that we can disprove anything without much effort. If this were not true, there would not be so many religions or ways of believing in one God. One God who clearly points out in the scriptures, he is the same today as he was yesterday and is not a God of confusion.

Ask the monk, the Jew or the agnostic and atheist, they each and every one can prove their belief, or in the latter case, disbelief. I cannot prove to you with my words that this article is false, any more than this couple can prove it is true. So we will both have to rely on the Holy Ghost and prayer for our own confirmation.

I may attempt to comment here as I write on some of the accusations in the article, but I will not focus on what two who have chosen to leave the church have to say.  I have read the document and found it to be just the opinions of a couple who I know nothing about. I do not put my trust in man.

I am curious as to why so many choose to read this hype anyway. If you want to know what it is like to be a rabbit why would you seek out the cow or the duck to enquire? If you want to know what it is like to be a Mormon why do you not ask the believer? If you are just trying to disprove it…I refer again to my comment that ANYTHING can be disproved in the hearts and minds of men…even that God exists!

Again, I will not focus on this article too much, but I will take this opportunity to write about my belief in God the eternal father and in his son Jesus Christ. I will also share how I perceive the plan of salvation.

I believe in Jesus Christ…

I love being a grandmother and I have always loved being around little children. Children are so tender, teachable and excepting when it comes to faith and the promptings of the spirit. They don’t have to have everything proven or explained to them. What great examples they are to us grown-ups. (…a little child shall lead them)

 My granddaughter Emilee is not of my same faith, but I respect and love Emilee with all my heart. I believe she is loved by the Lord, that she knows him and shares a trusting relationship with him. She has a great knowledge for her age of who the savior is. She seems to understand and believe, beyond her years, in the power of faith and prayer.

Though I am careful to respect the teachings of her mother and father, she and I often share our feelings about God with each other.

Just recently she tearfully shared a tender experience that she had had with a new friend from school.  Her new friend is not from America and had never had the opportunity to learn anything about Jesus Christ and his teachings.  Emilee was troubled and worried for her friend’s salvation. She began to cry as she shared with me the conversation that she had with her friend about who God is.

I could see by Emilee’s tears that she feared that if her friend did not accept Christ as her savior she could not go to heaven.

I tried to comfort Emilee as she cried and told me about the kind of person her friend is. Emilee felt that her friend is such a special and good girl that it would be unfair that she might not ever know God.

We talked about Christ’s life, his example, his teachings and his tender mercy. We talked about how he had died for everyone, and that means even those who have never heard his name.

Christ is not only the ultimate example of compassion, love and mercy, but is no respecter of persons. He is the judge of our hearts.

As Emilee wiped her tears, I saw a little smile coming back to her face. I was impressed with her resolve to trust in the savior. She felt certain that the savior she knows, trusts and loves will provide a way for her friend. What a beautiful testimony she has of who Christ is.

The Judge of my Heart and Yours…

The Savior’s ability and power to know and judge our hearts is shown in the biblical story of Malchus.

The only thing we know about Malchus for sure is that he was the servant to the high priest, Caiaphas. Because the main focus on the account of the arrest of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane is the arrest itself, the story of Malchus appears almost dismissed as unimportant. But I love the part about Malchus because it really reveals so much about who Jesus Christ really is.

As Jesus was approached by those who came to arrest him in the Garden of Gethsemane his apostles were present. Probably in an attempt to protect and save his master, one of the apostles, Peter, had a sword and appears ready to use it. Although the savior seems ready for his arrest and willing to go, the apostles were confused and really don’t seem to understand the magnitude and importance of what is taking place. This seems obvious in the scriptures and the confusion and misunderstanding may be the reason Peter then cuts off the ear of Malchus. It is most likely in an attempt to defend his master, Jesus Christ.

What Jesus does and says next is amazing and so inspires me. First of all he tells Peter to put away his sword. Here is Peter who has been with Jesus long enough to know him as a close friend. He has sat at his feet and listened to his teachings yet he clearly seems confused as to just what is going on and as to why Jesus is so willing to submit to his enemies and his arrest. As Jesus is telling Peter to put away the sword, it appears that he is trying to reason and remind Peter that all is as it should be.

And then there is Malchus, who obviously does not know the Savior at all because he is relying on Judas to point him out with a kiss. Malchus has never had the opportunity to hear Jesus teach, to see him heal the sick or raise the dead. Malchus does not know of his tender and loving ways and yet the Savior show compassion and mercy as he touches and completely heals the ear of Malchus

Malchus, doing as he has been instructed by his master, has come to arrest a traitor. Jesus has just come from the garden where he has suffered for each and every one of us. Jesus is not only ready to go with those who have come for him but appears to be thinking of others. Here Jesus is going like a lamb to the slaughter and still reaches out to one of the least of us…Malchus, and restores his ear. “It will be all right now” he tells Malchus. Who better understands who Malchus is than Jesus Christ who has just paid for his life by suffering for his sins?

This is who Jesus Christ is. The only judge of our hearts.

It is easy to become judgmental as a Christian, especially when someone may not share our same beliefs. But Jesus tells us that we are not to judge. He actually cautions this and promises that by this same judgment shall we be judge.

Jesus Christ is love.

In Defense…

There were so many negative things said about my church in this article that it would take weeks to address them all. And as I have already pointed out it would just be my word against theirs.

The fact that the church as changed its name and some of its teachings since it was first established seems to be an issue here for the writers. So just on this one point then…here is my defense.

Most protestant religions originated from change…change from the Catholic Church in England. All their beginnings seem to stem from the interpretation and desires of men who wanted to see and make changes in the original Catholic belief and doctrine. These changes are according to the understandings of men.

History teaches us that the Reformation was a time of change and that many religions arose from it.  If you want to read about the history of these churches you will find change. Change in not only the names of the churches that reformed from the original Catholic Church, but change in doctrine, some scriptures and most definitely teachings.

If change was a sign of hypocrisy or a way to prove a religion wrong then surely all those who have changed from the original Catholic Church don’t have a leg to stand on.

So you can see here why simply because the Mormon Church has changed its name or doctrine over the years does not prove it wrong. Although the Mormon Church did not arise from the reformation but was established and began from a vision, we are still accused here of being wrong because we have seen change.

I agree that if you are looking to find mistakes made by the early leaders of the Mormon Church you will find them. These mistakes were made my men. I will make no effort to defend some of the things that were done. I did not live in the 1800s, do not have a clue as to how hard and harsh the conditions would have been for a church that has been misunderstood and persecuted from the very beginning.

What I will defend is my testimony…

The establishment of the Mormon Church came about because a young boy was confused as to which of all the churches he should join. He faithfully trusted that God would answer his prayer if he asked.

This young boy was not seeking to change anything. But because he had faith that God would answer him he did receive an answer that eventually led to the establishment of the Mormon Church or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-saints.

Again he did not set out to change any church or anything about the Bible. We believe the Bible to be the word of God and use the King James Version. The Mormons have never tried to change anything in the Bible nor have they ever set about to write one of their own. Contrary to what some say, the Book of Mormon is not a Mormon bible.

The Book of Mormon is a record of people who came out of Jerusalem, being warned of its coming destruction and were led by God to America. The Book of Mormon is a record of their lives and is in fact another testament that Jesus is the CHRIST and our savior. We believe that these people were some of those who Jesus mentioned when he said, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”

From one who has read this Book I declare it to be beautiful and true. Nowhere else have I ever read any more tender and amazing accounts of Jesus’ love for us. Nowhere in the book do I find anything but more clarity about who the Savior Jesus Christ is. There is absolutely nothing dark, secretive or confusing about this book. It was written for the convincing of Jew and gentile that the very Jesus of Nazareth is absolutely the only true Savior. Together with the Bible they stand as a testament that Jesus is exactly who he said was, the savior of all mankind.

I am just one of God’s most imperfect daughters and have no right to try to describe to you his majesty, mercy and glory. My weakness in the flesh, even though I love him dearly, makes me feel so unworthy to try and testify of his greatness.

I would never attempt to judge the heart of another individual to the point that I would fear for their salvation. I believe that Christ will be the only one to do that. God is no respecter of persons, he being loving, just and merciful will provide for everyone. In the plan of salvation all will have an opportunity to know of him. God’s ways are not man’s ways. We cannot assume to understand how everything works. Otherwise there would be no reason for faith. It is dangerous to judge others by our understandings of what we perceive to be right.  

I know lots of wonderful people who do not believe exactly like I do. They belong to Jesus Christ and he will judge them by their hearts.

So in conclusion then…
My heart knows Jesus...and Jesus knows my heart.

I may not know the Jesus of your description…but I know him and I love him.

I boldly say to you who are reading this post…stop judging the Mormon Church based on here-say. If you want to know what it is like to be a horse go straight to the horse. Don’t go asking ducks.

Stop reading articles written by those who have left the church. Go get a copy of the Book of Mormon and read it for yourself. Read it and ask God if it is true. If you will read it with a sincere heart he will answer you.  Don’t put your trust in man. Trust in God he will never fail you.

I am a Mormon. I am a Christian. I am saved.

Stop wasting so much time trying to find fault with my love for Jesus Christ and God.

“By their fruits ye shall know them”

To this man who asked the question and his lovely wife…

My sincere thanks for asking the question…it has been a profound and enlightening experience finding the answer. God bless you with his very best. I pray that something in my words or in my manner will witness to you that Yes, Mormons know and believe in Christ…and they are saved.